Daddy’s Boy

– Posted in: Foot in Mouth, Mouths of Babes, Worst Mom Moments

This tale from Luna, who blogs at Luna Landing, is one so many of us have experienced. The dreaded “Parental Preference Problem.” But Luna’s very creative (she has a great art/craft plus parenting mishaps blog) so when things don’t go her way, she just forces love down her son’s throat in the form of dry muffins.

Photo by Borislav Dopudja

My little boy has just turned seven and is all into his dad at the moment, not so much me. He just puts up with my hugs and cuddles at most. He only wants Dad to read him stories. Last night I went in to say goodnight after Dad had finished reading and turned out the light. I crept in. “Goodnight Archie,” I said softly and hopefully, giving the little bundle a quick cuddle. He growled and out from underneath the sheets came his cross little voice, “Oh look! See this is why I can’t get to sleep at night!” Which reminds me of a bit of a shameful incident a couple of weeks back.

I’d counseled myself that I couldn’t keep forcing hugs on him. I would find a different way to love him until he was ready to appreciate me again as the parent of choice. As I walked up the hall, I decided I would not feel rejected but instead sit at his bedside and explain that much to his relief, I would not be forcing cuddles on him anymore but would still be loving him, and when he was ready to cuddle again to just come and get one. “Ahhhhhh nooooo!” he shrieked when he saw me come into his room and quickly hid himself under the sheets. I lost my patience.

“You know Archie,” I said crossly, “There are some little boys in the world who don’t even have a mother to cuddle them!”

“Oh dear,” came my partner’s reproach from his station at the computer.

I know, I know. . .

4 Comments… add one

Anonymous May 19, 2011, 6:18 am

I so know how you feel. 🙁 My son who just turned 5 is WAY into Daddy right now.

notexpectingtoomuch May 20, 2011, 4:48 pm

Both my son and daughter routinely say to me, “I want Daddy.” They might say it when happy or sad. He may even be in the room and they could just as easily go directly to him without saying anything to me. It's just something they do. So far, I've been able to resist saying sarcastically, “Well, go get him.” I just say a cheery “ok” and keep going about my business.

World's Worst Moms May 21, 2011, 10:51 pm

My kids usually pull the “I want Daddy” thing on me whenever he's away at work and they seem to instinctively know I'm feeling guilty or vulnerable about it. I always feel like saying, “Yeah, well I want Daddy, too!”

World's Worst Moms May 21, 2011, 11:04 pm

Just wanted everyone to know that Luna has come up with a creative solution to her problem using some reverse psychology — evil genius: Please No Kisses

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